Covia is committed to the highest standards of ethics and business conduct. Our practices and principles for behavior are in line with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and are supported by our Code of Conduct, which applies to all employees, members of the board of directors, officers, vendors, suppliers, contractors and other stakeholders of the company.
At Covia, we:
Respect each employee, worker and representative of customers, suppliers and contractors as an individual, showing courtesy and consideration and fostering of personal dignity;
Provide and maintain a safe, healthy and orderly work environment where all individuals are treated with fairness and respect;
Value the diversity of our employees and are committed to providing an equal opportunity in all aspects of employment to all employees without regard to race, color, gender, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, military service or reserve or veteran status, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, sexual orientation, disability or conviction for an offense for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered;
Make reasonable accommodations for known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified applicant or employee with a disability;
Do not condone any type of harassment, abuse or punishment, whether corporal, mental or physical, of an employee by a manager, officer or other employee or any partner, customer or supplier of the company;
Do not employ child labor or forced labor in our operations in any country where we operate, and will not knowingly engage with a supplier that directly or indirectly does engage in child or forced labor;
Do not allow or require employees to work more than the maximum number of hours legally permitted by applicable law;
Assure uniformly fair compensation and benefit practices to attract, reward and retain quality employees, and provide training and development opportunities as well as constructive feedback;
Recognize both the rights to non-union representation and collective bargaining; and
Strive to positively impact the communities, and foster strong relationships with local indigenous populations.
Covia has established compliance procedures to ensure prompt and consistent corrective action for misconduct, extending from verbal and written counseling to immediate termination. Employees are informed of their obligation to report violations through regular communications and training tools. The company does not permit retaliation of any kind for good faith reports.