Water Stewardship
Responsible water stewardship is deeply embedded in how we operate our mining and processing facilities. We continue to invest in additional capabilities and technologies, and develop innovative strategies to reduce our consumption, improve water quality and preserve local water supplies and safeguard our communities.
Water plays a vital role in ensuring the safety, performance and quality of our products. Our water management strategy focuses on optimizing the water efficiency of our production activities and increasing water reuse through implementation of an aggressive water recycling program.
Some of our water stewardship initiatives include:
- Water Management and Efficiency – Mining is a water intensive process and is used in many aspects of our business – from dust control to making product. We reuse and recycle as much water during this process as possible, and all operational sites maintain an accounting of water to provide an understanding of inputs, consumption, reuse/recycling, and discharge volumes.
All operational sites reuse water on a frequent basis within operations. Various methods used include dewatering agents, plate presses, and drain slabs with water lines that recirculate water. We also use real-time water monitoring to assess water reuse and recycling. - Surface Water & Groundwater Management/Conservation Plans – Our operational sites maintain unique surface water and groundwater management/conservation plans based on local, regional, and national regulatory requirements. Typical elements of these plans include ensuring water quality, conducting water risk assessments, conserving freshwater resources, recycling water, and supporting community access to clean water.
- Water Risks and Opportunities Assessments – Each operational site conducts an annual update of its risk register to identify water risks and opportunities, which are used for strategic planning activities. Various water activities for each operational site are evaluated and tracked, including primary sources related to process and quarry; septic systems; stormwater; impoundments; groundwater; and surface, drinking, and portable water.
- Water Quality Compliance – We ensure compliance with applicable standards, regulations and permits by monitoring sources and reporting water quality measurements and trends to relevant authorities. All water discharged from any of our operational sites is tested per applicable standards, regulations, and permits.
- Water-Stressed Area Monitoring – We evaluate all sites annually for any changes to overall water risks using the World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct tool. Sites that receive a ”medium-high” rating or greater are considered ”water stressed facilities” and are targeted to have water reuse/recycling of at least 90% by 2030.
- Site-Level Training – We have several training courses, that is required to be completed annually by all Operations Team Members, related to water and water-related risks and opportunities, including, but not limited to: Oil Spills; Impoundment Inspections; Stormwater Best Management Practices; National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP); and Spills Prevention Preparedness Response Reporting.
- Local Partnerships – We partner with local organizations to support increased access to safe water sources, including participating in projects focused on water security, quality, conservation, and protecting the waterways in the areas near our sites.
Contact Covia today at ESG@CoviaCorp.com.