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Environmental Stewardship

At Covia, we believe protecting the planet and preserving its resources are part of our responsibilities as a corporate citizen. We continue to advance environmental stewardship across our organization by taking action to address the challenges of climate change, conserve natural resources such as land and water, and safeguard wildlife and other forms of biodiversity.

Ensuring Responsible Operations

Our ongoing commitment to fostering strong community relationships and acting as stewards of our environment at all our facilities is reflected in our Responsible Operations targets and aligns with UN SDGs 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; and 17: Partnerships for the Goals.


Target: Develop a robust CAP at 100% of our locations to facilitate effective communication, identify areas for improvement, and best respond to community needs.

2023 Progress: We reached our goal to have community action plans at all our facilities. This signature effort provides each facility with a site-specific plan for engaging the community, ensuring that we undertake appropriate environmental initiatives, respond to inquiries, and share best practices and learnings across our footprint of facilities. 

Target: Implement an EMS at every site.

2023 Progress: Our EMS program is currently in place at nine sites and we look forward to continuing implementation in 2024.

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Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

We continue to further our commitments to address climate change in alignment with UN SDG 13: Climate Action.

Target: Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG Emissions by 20% from our 2021 baseline, on a per-ton basis.

2023 Progress: Covia’s efforts toward its goal of reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas on a per-ton basis focused on developing a framework and foundation for the future. Our comprehensive GHG Roadmap was developed to chart a path forward for reducing emissions intensity across our operations.


We also conducted a comprehensive Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) scenario analysis to better understand future challenges and opportunities related to climate change. 


Finally, we restructured our GHG Steering Team to align with the four key categories of emissions reductions identified in our GHG Roadmap. This included establishing four new project teams, each dedicated to one of the emissions reduction categories, along with appointing leaders at the overarching GHG Steering Team level to enhance strategic oversight.

Protect Essential Water Supply

In 2023, we continued to align our water management strategy with the United Nations’ objectives regarding availability and sustainable management of water, as defined in UN SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.

Target: Recycle at least 90% of water at sites in water-stressed areas and expand reporting on consumption at all facilities.

2023 Progress: We have advanced water recycling to this degree at half of our facilities located in water-stressed regions.


  • Crane, Texas, recycled 96% of their operational water.
  • Kermit, Texas, recycled 90% of their operational water.


In addition, we successfully expanded our water reporting capabilities this year. All Covia facilities in water-stressed areas are now equipped to provide comprehensive water usage data allowing for greater transparency and supporting our water management and conservation efforts.

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Preserve, Restore, and Improve Biodiversity

Our robust land management and biodiversity conservation goals ensure we remain responsible stewards of our surrounding environment at all our facilities, supporting UN SDG 15: Life on Land.

Target: Improve ratio of land rehabilitated to land disturbed.

2023 Progress: At the end of 2023, our ratio of land rehabilitated to land disturbed was 1:6, compared to 1:25 in 2022. Our significantly improved performance in 2023 was due to increased land reclamation investment at our active sites, most notably at our Menomonie, Wisconsin, and the Ahuazotepec, Puebla, Mexico, facilities.


While the reclamation goal revolves around active sites, we remain committed to investing in our idled sites. In 2023, we successfully reclaimed over 120 acres at our operations in Grand Haven, Michigan, and Shakopee, Minnesota.

Target: Implement conservation and biodiversity initiatives at all sites with 50% of mining and processing sites achieving WHC certification.

2023 Progress: Across our network, we now have a total of 20 sites certified by Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC), bringing our percentage up to 42%. The Biodiversity Conservation Steering Team has identified two additional sites that will begin the WHC certification process to help us achieve our goal of 50% by 2030.

Additionally, in 2023, we piloted our formalized Conservation Framework at our Emmett, Idaho, site. The successes and findings here will be used to roll out this initiative to each individual site in future years.

Target: Develop a Species-at-Risk (SAR) Plan at 100% of our mining and processing sites where at-risk species are present.

2023 Progress: We partnered with a third-party consultant to develop SAR Management Plans for all sites. The plans were completed at five sites, with implementation planned at the remaining sites over the next several years.

Highlights That Inspire

Increasing Water Access in Our Mexico Communities

Covia has partnered with local schools in Mexico to implement a sustainable water collection program. These projects harness rainwater, channeling it into rain barrels for storage and subsequent use within the school premises. Such programs also reduce dependence on water trucks and the emissions associated with delivery. The collected water is used as gray water for non-potable purposes like flushing toilets and operating sinks. The program promotes water conservation and serves as an educational tool, with more than 600 students receiving real-world lessons in sustainability and water management.

Land Reclamation at Our Menomonie Site

The reclamation of land at our Menomonie, Wisconsin, plant is a standout example of our commitment to land reclamation and stakeholder engagement. In 2023, we exceeded our initial plan by reclaiming approximately seven acres of land adjacent to city property and planting native vegetation for biodiversity. We worked with the city to understand their goals for the adjacent property and successfully restored the topography to complement adjacent future use. The plant worked closely with the lessors and government agencies to ensure stakeholder communication and feedback were involved in the process. Plans are underway to restore additional acreage in 2024. For more information, see Reclamation at Covia’s Menomonie Plant on our website.

Partnering to Preserve Biodiversity at the Local Level

Covia’s commitment to biodiversity is evident across its operational footprint. At a local level, our facilities and our Team Members are involved in supporting community projects on an ongoing basis, with funding and organizational support available to further positive impacts.

Read more about our partnerships with South Jersey Quail Project, Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, and Monarch Joint Venture on page 28 of the ESG Report.

Covia's Environmental Responsibility

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