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Responsible Governance and Ethics

We sustain our business and operations on the bedrock of strong corporate governance practices, ethical conduct, and compliance measures. Covia has long held this commitment to operating responsibly, and we readily engage with our stakeholders to strengthen our partnerships while promoting transparency and reliability in the pursuit of our business and ESG objectives.

Strengthen Our Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Posture

Our continuous focus on fortifying our defenses against cybersecurity risks, aligned with UN SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, is essential to safeguarding the data and information assets our stakeholders entrust to us.

Target: Complete annual and continual cybersecurity training for 100% of our Team Members.

2023 Progress: Although regular Team Member cybersecurity training has been in place for many years, 2023 represented the first year of tracking progress against our formalized goal. In total, 91% of our office Team Members completed cybersecurity and data privacy training during the year, and we continue to evaluate ways to implement training and education opportunities for all Team Members to help us achieve our goal.

Increase Corporate Transparency

We understand the importance of maintaining high standards of corporate transparency, even as a privately held company. We are dedicated to fostering a transparent culture and going beyond what is required of us to maintain trust and credibility among our stakeholders. Our corporate transparency targets support our ongoing efforts to drive accountability throughout the organization and to act in accordance with UN SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Target: Become a signatory to the UN Global Compact and annually report out alignment with its principles.

2023 Progress: We disclosed our progress via the UN Global Compact’s new Communication on Progress (CoP) platform, reporting on corporate action and performance related to the Ten Principles of the UNGC and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Covia became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in September 2022.

Target: Continue to enhance transparency through the alignment of reporting with prevailing frameworks or standards.

2023 Progress: Our 2023 report represents Covia’s fifth consecutive year of alignment with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework

We also completed a Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report.

Additionally, we have identified 11 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that align with our ESG activities and priorities, and we look forward to continuing to enhance our efforts and disclosures around these important commitments.

Highlights That Inspire

Real-World Training in Responding to Cyber Threats

As part of our proactive approach to equipping our Team Members to respond to security threats appropriately, we conduct regular tabletop exercises designed to simulate real-world scenarios. These exercises allow Team Members to navigate through hypothetical scenarios from beginning to end, strengthening their threat identification and response skills. Notably, one such exercise in 2023 centered on a severe data breach, simulating an event that brought an entire plant to a standstill. Read more on page 58 of our report.

Covia's Responsible Governance and Ethics

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