Nepheline Syenite
Most commonly known as crystalline silica deficient functional filler

Nepheline Syenite?
Nepheline syenite is an anhydrous-sodium-potassium-aluminosilicate that is a natural, versatile, clean mineral functional filler, which is the high-quality alternative to ground crystalline silica or microcrystalline silica. With similar and, often superior, physical properties, nepheline syenite is the filler replacement you can count on.
Nepheline syenite has low oil absorption and surface area. The low surface area and alkali-aluminosilicate surface chemistry contribute to the ease of wetting, rapid dispersion, and high loading with low viscosity build. Nepheline syenite is also whiter and brighter or less yellow than most mineral powders, yielding cleaner, brighter colors or transparency when required.
Covia’s distinctive nepheline syenite adds performance value to many applications, including plastics, elastomers, paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants, inks, food and beverage packaging, medical supply packaging, greenhouse film, and technical film. This versatifle functional filler enhances durability with outstanding mechanical properties, such as scratch and mar resistance, while improving optical properties with remarkable UV resistance.
Covia’s distinctive nepheline syenite adds performance value to many applications, including plastics, elastomers, paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants, inks, food and beverage packaging, medical supply packaging, greenhouse film, and technical film. This versatile functional filler enhances durability with outstanding mechanical properties, such as scratch and mar resistance, while improving optical properties with remarkable UV resistance.
Where does Nepheline Syenite
Come From?
The Covia nepheline syenite deposit at Blue Mountain in Ontario, Canada, is an ESG-friendly, rare, versatile mineral that is 99% pure. The pure-white, consistent-quality, optically transparent filler is the sustainable choice and smart alternative to crystalline silica fillers for a wide range of applications.

Planning /
Let’s start at the beginning when the nepheline syenite is still in the ground. Covia has 50 years of mining experience that we use sustainable and environmentally friendly techniques to mine, process the minerals, and reclaim the land after mining is completed. The Blue Mountain mining team uses sophisticated software applications and mining equipment to ensure the same rigorous environmental standards. One software application, known as a block model, looks on-screen like a big stack of squares representing a 25-foot by 25-foot by 25-foot section of in-situ nepheline syenite. The team will drill a core of the deposit at certain intervals so they can split it, analyze it, and log it for the block model data input. The software reveals if this interval’s geology, mineralogy, and physical/chemical properties are of the quality for which Covia is known.
Overall, The Blue Mountain deposit is high aluminum, low iron, and low calcium, an ideal combination for most high-performance coatings, polymers, and elastomeric applications.
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Applications /
Because Covia’s Blue Mountain nepheline syenite deposit is crystalline-silica deficient, this mineral meets stringent regulatory requirements, including from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA); EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH); EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive RoHS; and the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Also, U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for indirect food contact in polymer applications up to 50% by weight.
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Covia’s nepheline syenite?